Genres: Drama, Historical, Shoujo, Slice of Life
Anne is an orphan full of imagination. When she arrives
at her new home she’ll understand that, sometimes, you’ve to be a
sensible person too, but her unique character will change, or at least
attract the people around her. The story covers Anne’s growth from about
eleven to seventeen years old, while she makes friends, goes to school
and studies to fulfil her dream. At a difficult point in her life, Anne
will have to take a hard choice, but at the end she’ll be able to find a
new dream.
Born of the pen of the Canadian writer L.M.
Montgomery, the little red-haired orphan comes to life in this anime,
based on the first book in the long Anne series. Nobody has ever wanted
her in her long and lonely 11-year-old life... until this dream comes
true and she is going to have a wonderful home in Green Gables on Prince
Edward Island with Marilla and Mathew Cuthbert. But all turns too good
to be true - it was just a mistake; the Cuthberts have "ordered a boy"
from the orphanage and have no need for a girl. And yet, soon Marilla
and Matthew discover that they cannot live without this lively
imaginative chatterbox. Green Gables becomes her home; Diana - the best
"bosom friend" any girl ever dreamed of; Gilbert - the hated but
never-despairing boy in love... Friends, dreams and school, scrapes and
funny accidents, laughter and tears, tragedies and achievements - fill
Anne's life as she goes on her road of growing up. (Anime News Network)
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